First of all we, the team of Lineage2World, would like to wish you happy holidays!

Secondly, we would like to inform you that we did many attempts to register our server to hopzone but to this day we have no response whatsoever from them. We get it! They are the number 1 site for this purpose but it is not excuse for such arrogance! If anyone of you guys have any leads on this topic, please contact us!

Thirdly, we are always looking to improve and expand the server, we have a bucket of ideas that we would like to implement in the near future. Most of those features are not free so this is where donations would be appreciated!

Fourthly, I (=GMDrako=) have been into the chat logs and what I saw ruined my mood and inspired me write this post.
A player was shouting and demanding a GM to go to him. Why?
I would like to clarify a few things.
– When we started putting together the team for the server, our vision was ONE. The game should be played.
– Lineage2 is a game with Merchant NPCs but players can shape its economy thus it can turn to player driven economy.
– We try to add to the NPCs/CB items that are hard to earn and to make your time in our server worth it with rewards for activities you do in the game. Neat right?
– The GM team is NOT in the game to give items, nor to grand wishes. Ideally we would like a GMLess server.
– All 3 GMs have been in the retail since C4 and onwards and besides events, we never saw a GM online.
– We would like it to be the same way, GMs are not allowed to interfere with the game, not even to give items to their own chars!
All 3 GMs have jobs and our daily jobs are our priority. We have posted the hours we are active in game here
We process manually all donations from Cryptos and from website after 21:30 GMT+2 Monday to Friday.
If you encounter any problem(s), or you want to make a suggestion, we have a forum and an advanced ticket system created for this purpose, please use them!
– In-game shouts will go in vain since we do not enter the world as much as GMs instead we use the linux terminal to run/edit/maintain the server.
– On the same page, our discord server will go on hibernation mode for the time being. I simply do not have the time to run the server/maintain website/game server AND on top of that to do chat. Don’t get me wrong, I do love talking with people -I do that for living- but my timetable is tight.

Lastly, we would like to thank all those who keep playing in our server! You guys mean a lot to us!
We value your input and we would like to keep it up, we will just change the method!

Happy holidays, we wish you a happy new year!!!