Hello fellow gamers!
Today we are applying the latest server patch with merges to latest L2JSunrise code and this is a followup to https://support.lineage2world.eu/lineage2world/server-update-12-2-2022/ our previous update news!
The changelog includes:
23/2/2022 – Fixed geoengine issue allow players to attack through walls in catacombs or tower of insolence
20/2/2022 – Rework L2VillageMasters
20/2/2022 – Unhardcode core functions
20/2/2022 – Implement missing feature reinforce sub pledges
20/2/2022 – Clean up code
19/2/2022 – More functions
17/2/2022 – Fixed PetNameTable
20/2/2022 – Missing sql file from previous commit
20/2/2022 – Rework L2VillageMasters
20/2/2022 – Unhardcode core functions
20/2/2022 – Implement missing feature reinforce sub pledges
20/2/2022 – Clean up code
Because all those changes are far too many changes happening at once, please keep an eye for bugs and report them to us!
https://support.lineage2world.eu/support/ <-Bug report link
Apart from updates/merges and commits, the server has been running very well with the given parameters!
We’re also planning to add new features to the server so stay tuned!